Bellavita Expo International Fair – London 2021

The 25th and 26th of October we were in London, at the Business Design Center of Angel, Islington. We participated at the Bellavita Expo, an international food and drinks fair. Among the guests we had Giorgio Locatelli, Carmelo Carnevale, Annabel Smith, Alistair Cooper and Ralph Carlone.

With the Ambassador Raffaele Trombetta

Among the achievements we are mostly proud of we have the Bellavita Awards for ‘Best Product’ and ‘Best Storytelling’. It has been a pleasure to receive the award from Marco Villani, the Italian Consul in London and Raffaele Trombetta, the Italian Ambassador.

Angelica and Gloria with the Italian consul Marco Villani at the Bellavita Awards. 

Through a panel of 200 judges, Acetaia Midolini stood out as a food excellence made in Italy. Carmelo Carnevale, president of the Italian Association of Chefs in the UK (APCI-UK) utilized one of our Balsamic condiments, the one aged for 10 years in barrels of precious wood, to create one of his gourmet recipes.

The Chef Carmelo Carnevale used our Balsamic aged for 10 years for one of his dishes at the show cooking sessions

Here you can find a video that has been released on Sky UK, with an interview to the Founder and CEO Gloria Midolini and to Angelica Matildi Midolini, from the third generation of the family’s business.

Follow us on social media (LinkedInInstagramFacebook) and come visit us in person, we are only one hour away from Venice and we organize tastings and tours to discover the astonishing land of Friuli and the secrets of our Balsamic.

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POR FESR 2014-2020 – Attività 2.3.a. Aiuti per sostenere la competitività e l’innovazione tecnologica delle PMI nei diversi settori del sistema produttivo regionale, finanziando investimenti